
Privacy-oriented email service.

New info on ghostBox software changes. Read more: changes_soon_2.txt.

About this service

ghostBox is a privacy-oriented, free speech, one-time payment email service for those that don't want to maintain their own email server, but don't want to sell their emails to a big company that lies about how user data is treated. Emails, by design, will inevitably be decrypted somewhere along their way to our server - Proton is lying to you.

We only ask for a small, one-time fee when opening an account to keep bots away and keep the server online.

Create an account

You can either use our domain or point your domain's email records to our server and use a custom domain.

Send an email to postmaster [at] to check if your desired alias is available, then pay the €5 one-time fee! That's it. Your address will be activated and you'll get 512 MiB of storage space for your emails. Each additional GiB is just €2, obviously one-time fee.


Please visit /updates.


You can login using Roundcube webmail, or set-up your own email client:

  • POP3: port 110 (STARTTLS) / 995 (SSL).
  • IMAP: port 143 (STARTTLS) / 993 (SSL).
  • SMTP: port 587 (STARTTLS).
  • Domain/IP:
  • User:

Please read the rules before using. Made with ❤️ by postmaster using open-source software.